Wednesday, October 17, 2007

John Locke and the Age of Reason

From your readings and discussion about Locke and the Age of Reason, explain what you think is the thesis of Locke's writing and how his thesis applies to American ideals. You may choose to write on modern American ideals or others we have studied.


Connor Hallisey said...

John Locke's thesis was that men are born with natural rights and that a government must recognize those rights. He also believed in the principles of life, liberty, and property, which were incorporated into the Declaration of Independence as life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Jeff Durso said...

I think John Locke's thesis was that the people of the Revolution felt they could create their own society without depending on athouritive figues like Brittian by using reason . This is why they were "forced" to become independent.

Adam Pisker said...

I believe that John Locke's articles show how they established new colonies in America under their own power, not Britain's. His articles show that anything is able to be accomplished in America and that all Americans have life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Megan Armes said...

The thesis of his writings would be how people had natural rights, how people should be treated equal and the power of a community. The thesis applies to American ideals because people have natural rights through the constitution, and people are also treated equal in America because of that as well. The puritains believed in having a strong community, and they were the first people to come to America so their ways were considered in Locke's ways of thinking.

tyler cafro said...

I think that John Locke's thesis applies to American ideals becasue without the knowledge of him we would of never been influenced to make the Declaration of Independence from our Founding Fathers.

Morghan Long said...

John Locke’s thesis talks about being able to have your own opinion and think about what you want. He thought that people should think for themselves and come to there own understandings of things. Also everyone was given their own understandings of “natural rights,” from the creator. The rights that were given to the people were, "life, liberty, health and property". These three rights began with the founders of America. They declared that all men are created equal and that all men have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Our government was formed by these rules; to make certain that these goals were met, as an American, we consider these rights guaranteed.

Brian B said...

The thesis is that everyone is equal and one country/person should not be dominated by another. We cannot rely on them for help, and we shouldn't have to pay them tax (Britain). He also talks about natural rights - life, liberty, and property. They believed that everyone was equal, and this allows us to be free. Free people should not be taxed by another country and this is what led to the revolution.